Saturday, February 15, 2014

Back to square one

Part of the human condition is how easy it becomes to dwell on our shortcomings, even after tremendous things have been accomplished. The chain smoking fast food junkie from the before picture crushed an awful lot of goals en route to becoming a Group Fitness Instructor blessed with a dedicated group of students.

I was caught in a long cycle of allowing frustration to pile up to the point I had all but stopped fighting for what had been my top goal 9 months ago. Excuses mounted higher and higher as my once tremendous practice habits became lax. Pretty much reached the throwing in the towel stage, something that should have brought healthy anger into play.

My wakeup call came in the form of several texts from a cousin. Cheered me up to be thanked for being an inspiration, but if I failed to inspire myself enough to work hard in pursuit of my top goal....... ahhhh...... there came that healthy anger. Not being a natural at anything athletically requires nothing short of relentless practice habits to get what I want.

Physical results have not been up to par in quite some time. Time to reintroduce VARIETY to my workouts. Calories must be tracked. I have to get more sleep. Those 3 keys will unlock the goals I seek. MUST be all 3. Underachieving on any of the 3 short circuits my pursuit of my physical goals.

Long road to go. One day at a time, one step at a time. Each morning is an opportunity to rededicate myself to the pursuit of my goals. Let it begin.

Supplements are something I seek to learn more about every day. I had staggering results from cycling pretty much everything, something I will never stray from.

4 weeks with stimulants, 2 weeks stim free.
I am currently on a 3 month cycle of Citrulline Malate.

Tons of preworkout and intra workout supplements contain Citrulline Malate, but not enough for what I need daily (8 Grams minimum on workout days/ 6 G off days).
My intra choice, Core Nutritionals Core ABC, provides 2.5 G per serving. Preworkout : Magnum Nutraceuticals Opus  for January, then Athletix High Volume (2.5 G per scoop) for February. Both are stim free. Opus has a proprietary blend, but Magnum Nutraceuticals was kind enough to answer my email and tell me the Citrulline Malate dosage. I fill in the blanks with plain Citrulline Malate, which is fairly inexpensive through AllStarHealth.