Sunday, May 27, 2012


In May 2011, I weighed 270 lbs and smoked a pack of cigarettes a day. I had been overweight for most of my life and hated myself. I've tried all the quick diet pills and quick fixes and had more failures than I can remember.

Late June 2011, the light bulb went on and I decided to arm myself with knowledge on getting healthy. I studied nutrition and started exercising.... the only way to accomplish body transformation is to master caloric deficits. ACCOUNTABILITY IS KING.

This blog will show my intense journey to losing over 85 lbs in the past 8 months, while quitting smoking. If  I can inspire some more people to do the same, my journey would be even more meaningful.... this has become my higher purpose.

Thank you to Alan Hirsch and Joe Stierwalt for their guidance in getting this blog rolling. 

Back to basics. 30 day cutting phase begins today. I am upset at the numbers on the scale. I don't have a lot to lose, but the total I saw the last 3 mornings is unaceptable. I believe 180-185# is my ideal range. Let's see how long it takes me to get back to 184. It isn't a race. I just need to track my food intake. Really let that slide he past few weeks.

Day 1  May 27th -- 193.8 #

Day 2  May 28th -- 193.2 #
Day 3 May 29th -- 193 #
Day 4 May 30th --
Day 5  May 31st --
Day 6 June 1st --
Day  7   June 2nd --

Day   8  June 3rd --
Day  9   June 4th --

Day  10   June 5th --
Day 11    June 6th --

Day 12    June 7th
Day 13    June 8th
Day 14    June 9th

Day 15    June 10th

Day 16    June 11th
Day 17    June 12th
Day 18    June 13th

Day 19    June 14th

Day 20    June 15th
Day 21    June 16th 
Day  22   June 17th

Day 23    June 18th

Day 24    June 19th 
Day  25   June 20th
Day 26    June 21st

Day 27    June 22nd

Day 28     June 23rd 
Day 29    June 24th -- Last Day of Cutting Phase

June 25th -- start creatine cycle

Today's intake :
2030 calories
161 grams protein

26 grams fiber
Sodium is high
% of calories from fat, protein and carbs were pretty much an even split -- strange

The only "bad" items I had today were some ranch dressing, bacon bits and croutons with my salad (also had salsa with the salad, didn't overdo it on dressing .... need to break my dressing habit again, though).

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