Sunday, April 29, 2012


In May 2011, I weighed 270 lbs and smoked a pack of cigarettes a day. I had been overweight for most of my life and hated myself. I've tried all the quick diet pills and quick fixes and had more failures than I can remember.

Late June 2011, the light bulb went on and I decided to arm myself with knowledge on getting healthy. I studied nutrition and started exercising.... the only way to accomplish body transformation is to master caloric deficits. ACCOUNTABILITY IS KING.

This blog will show my intense journey to losing over 85 lbs in the past 8 months, while quitting smoking. If  I can inspire some more people to do the same, my journey would be even more meaningful.... this has become my higher purpose.

Thank you to Alan Hirsch and Joe Stierwalt for their guidance in getting this blog rolling.  

8 week cutting phase 

Day 1 weigh in   186.8#             
Day 2  184.4#
Day 3 182.8#
Day4 182.6#
Day 5 181.8#
Day 6 182.4#
Day 7 181.0# 
Day 8 181.6# 
Day 9  181.8#  

Day 10 -- April 21st -- no weigh in or intake tracking
Day 11  -- April 22nd -- no weigh in or intake tracking
Day 12 -- April 23rd -- no intake tracking
Day 13 189.8#
Day 14 188.8#
Day 15 189.4#  
Day 16 187.8#
Day 17 189.0#
Today 185.6 # 

Day 19
Day 20
Day 21
Day 22
Day 23
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Day 29
Day 30
Day 31
Day 32
Day 33
Day 34
Day 35
Day 36
Day 37
Day 38
Day 39
Day 40
Day 41
Day 42
Day 43
Day 44 -- May 25th -- no intake tracking 
Day 45
Day 46
Day 47
Day 48

Today's intake

1933 calories
57 grams fiber
177 grams protein
% of calories from fat 26.03

Fruits/veggies : cantaloupe, avocado, baby carrots, broccoli, cauliflower celery, banana

Didn't count calories from :
1 scoop chia seed (in morning protein shake)
1 tbsp flaxseed  (in morning protein shake)
1 tbsp maca powder (in morning protein shake)
1 tbsp wheat germ (in morning protein shake)
1 tbsp bee pollen granules (in morning protein shake)
1/4 cup hot and spicy peanuts (afternoon snack)
1/4 cup cajun snack mix (afternoon snack) 

Saturday, April 28, 2012


In May 2011, I weighed 270 lbs and smoked a pack of cigarettes a day. I had been overweight for most of my life and hated myself. I've tried all the quick diet pills and quick fixes and had more failures than I can remember.

Late June 2011, the light bulb went on and I decided to arm myself with knowledge on getting healthy. I studied nutrition and started exercising.... the only way to accomplish body transformation is to master caloric deficits. ACCOUNTABILITY IS KING.

This blog will show my intense journey to losing over 85 lbs in the past 8 months, while quitting smoking. If  I can inspire some more people to do the same, my journey would be even more meaningful.... this has become my higher purpose.

Thank you to Alan Hirsch and Joe Stierwalt for their guidance in getting this blog rolling.  

8 week cutting phase 

Day 1 weigh in   186.8#             
Day 2  184.4#
Day 3 182.8#
Day4 182.6#
Day 5 181.8#
Day 6 182.4#
Day 7 181.0# 
Day 8 181.6# 
Day 9  181.8#  

Day 10 -- April 21st -- no weigh in or intake tracking
Day 11  -- April 22nd -- no weigh in or intake tracking
Day 12 -- April 23rd -- no intake tracking
Day 13 189.8#
Day 14 188.8#
Day 15 189.4#  
Day 16 187.8#
Today 189.0 #
Day 18
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Day 29
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Day 31
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Day 37
Day 38
Day 39
Day 40
Day 41
Day 42
Day 43
Day 44 -- May 25th -- no intake tracking 
Day 45
Day 46
Day 47
Day 48

The scale : Though I'm not thrilled with the numbers lately, I'm fine anywhere in the 180-190# range. I'll be back closer to 180 soon enough. Big thing for me is that

Lots of work left to do, but I am in the best shape of my life, by far -- calling Joe Stierwalt out on that -- he believed in me and taught me what it would take to reach the next level. The brief period in which Joe was my personal trainer added years to my life (the man helped me become an ex smoker) and helped me see that I have an inner fire that, regardless of how bad I may be at some other things in life, I can be proud of.

As my body was being transformed, I was guilty of listening to some of the wrong voices. I'm going to assume that the intent was positive, but the message was negative :

I was being led to believe that the fact that I am very emotional is a weakness
I was being led to believe that there is something wrong with having an obsessive personality
The underlying theme behind what I was being told is that those things somehow made me "less manly" or "not tough enough".

What a load of crap.

#1 -- Positive emotions are a strength. Emotional = passionate = thowing myself completely into the things that I love. HUGE plus in the gym.

#2 -- If you want to transform your body, you'd better be obsessive about eating clean and working out hard. If not, all you will accomplish is wishing you looked and felt better. The old me hated the way I looked and felt, but was unwilling to commit to attacking the problem. I spent years and years wrecking my health with cigarettes and fast food. I was over 305# in spring 2009. No one who sees me today could even imagine me at that weight.

I am walking, talking proof that ANYONE, even a fat smoker who is very emotional and has an obsessive personality, can become physically fit. That is a WIN, folks. No one can take what I have achieved away from me. With plenty of help from my Genesis family and answered prayer (none of this happens had God not blessed me), I can now say that I love my journey through life.   

I strive to reach this level consistently, but there are moments in G-cycle in which my energy seems unlimited and I feel so young, so strong -- as if mountains can be moved by the power of my will. I can't put a price on those moments and I can't stress often enough that I achieve those moments as a result of working out in a group setting. Positive energy and teamwork can have a tremendous physical effect. I'll do all I can to repay my students for their hard work and the energy they share with me.

I will never be perfect, but I am sincere in what I share with my class. Thinking positive + having fun + working out in a group setting can help us all push through a tough workout. Each workout I design will be tough. Physical reconstruction requires hard work and eating right. There is no other way.

I also want to throw a shout out to 2 friends and students who helped me get through the sheer terror of being at the front of the class the 1st few times I taught G-cycle :
Nicole Heneha

Eric Reichert

Thank you and God bless you! I miss you both.

Today's intake

1851 calories
40 grams fiber
189 grams protein
% of calories from fat 23.95

Fruits/veggies : apple, watermelon, baby carrots, snap peas, celery, banana

Didn't count calories from :
1 scoop chia seed (in morning protein shake)
1 tbsp flaxseed  (in morning protein shake)
1 tbsp maca powder (in morning protein shake)
1 tbsp wheat germ (in morning protein shake)
1 tbsp bee pollen granules (in morning protein shake)
4-2009  305# -- refused to have a picture taken unless my son was standing in front of me to "hide" my fat


February 2012 -- Lean and mean


Thursday, April 26, 2012


In May 2011, I weighed 270 lbs and smoked a pack of cigarettes a day. I had been overweight for most of my life and hated myself. I've tried all the quick diet pills and quick fixes and had more failures than I can remember.

Late June 2011, the light bulb went on and I decided to arm myself with knowledge on getting healthy. I studied nutrition and started exercising.... the only way to accomplish body transformation is to master caloric deficits. ACCOUNTABILITY IS KING.

This blog will show my intense journey to losing over 85 lbs in the past 8 months, while quitting smoking. If  I can inspire some more people to do the same, my journey would be even more meaningful.... this has become my higher purpose.

Thank you to Alan Hirsch and Joe Stierwalt for their guidance in getting this blog rolling.  

8 week cutting phase 

Day 1 weigh in   186.8#             
Day 2  184.4#
Day 3 182.8#
Day4 182.6#
Day 5 181.8#
Day 6 182.4#
Day 7 181.0# 
Day 8 181.6# 
Day 9  181.8#  

Day 10 -- April 21st -- no weigh in or intake tracking
Day 11  -- April 22nd -- no weigh in or intake tracking
Day 12 -- April 23rd -- no intake tracking
Day 13 189.8#
Day 14 188.8#
Today 189.4#  

Day 16
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Day 41
Day 42
Day 43
Day 44 -- May 25th -- no intake tracking 
Day 45
Day 46
Day 47
Day 48

Not the least bit happy with my weight at the moment. Maxed out -- had better not add another pound. I am to blame, though -- very little sleep Monday night and last night -- not looking good tonight, either, as I work until 11 PM.  Sounds like excuses....... order will soon be restored. I'm still working out hard and eating clean -- the scale will soon reflect my effort. 

Today's intake

1898 calories
47 grams fiber
193 grams protein
% of calories from fat 16.81

Fruits/veggies : apple, watermelon, cantaloupe, cucumber, green pepper, grape tomatoes, celery, 1/2 avocado, 2 bananas

Didn't count calories from :
1 serving Re-con (post workout)
1 serving Ignition (post workout) 

1 cliff protein  bar (pre workout)
1 bottle Fuze (afternoon snack)

1 serving hot & spicy peanuts (pre workout) 
1 serving (1/4 cup) cajun trail mix (afternoon snack)
1/2 avocado (lunch) 
1 banana (post workout)

Wednesday, April 25, 2012


In May 2011, I weighed 270 lbs and smoked a pack of cigarettes a day. I had been overweight for most of my life and hated myself. I've tried all the quick diet pills and quick fixes and had more failures than I can remember.

Late June 2011, the light bulb went on and I decided to arm myself with knowledge on getting healthy. I studied nutrition and started exercising.... the only way to accomplish body transformation is to master caloric deficits. ACCOUNTABILITY IS KING.

This blog will show my intense journey to losing over 85 lbs in the past 8 months, while quitting smoking. If  I can inspire some more people to do the same, my journey would be even more meaningful.... this has become my higher purpose.

Thank you to Alan Hirsch and Joe Stierwalt for their guidance in getting this blog rolling.  

8 week cutting phase 

Day 1 weigh in   186.8#             
Day 2  184.4#
Day 3 182.8#
Day4 182.6#
Day 5 181.8#
Day 6 182.4#
Day 7 181.0# 
Day 8 181.6# 
Day 9  181.8#  

Day 10 -- April 21st -- no weigh in or intake tracking
Day 11  -- April 22nd -- no weigh in or intake tracking
Day 12 -- April 23rd -- no intake tracking
Day 13 189.8#
Today 188.8#  

Day 14
Day 15
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Day 40
Day 41
Day 42
Day 43
Day 44 -- May 25th -- no intake tracking 
Day 45
Day 46
Day 47
Day 48

Today's intake

1948 calories
48 grams fiber
181 grams protein
% of calories from fat 20.2

Fruits/veggies : apple, 2 oranges, watermelon, cantaloupe, cucumber, green pepper, grape tomato, 1/2 avocado, 2 bananas

Didn't count calories from :
1 serving Re-con (post workout)

1 cliff protein  bar (pre workout)
1 serving (1/2 cup) veggie chips (pre workout)
1 serving (1/4 cup) cajun trail mix (afternoon snack)
1/2 avocado (lunch) 
1 banana (post workout)

Tuesday, April 24, 2012


In May 2011, I weighed 270 lbs and smoked a pack of cigarettes a day. I had been overweight for most of my life and hated myself. I've tried all the quick diet pills and quick fixes and had more failures than I can remember.

Late June 2011, the light bulb went on and I decided to arm myself with knowledge on getting healthy. I studied nutrition and started exercising.... the only way to accomplish body transformation is to master caloric deficits. ACCOUNTABILITY IS KING.

This blog will show my intense journey to losing over 85 lbs in the past 8 months, while quitting smoking. If  I can inspire some more people to do the same, my journey would be even more meaningful.... this has become my higher purpose.

Thank you to Alan Hirsch and Joe Stierwalt for their guidance in getting this blog rolling.  

8 week cutting phase 

Day 1 weigh in   186.8#             
Day 2  184.4#
Day 3 182.8#
Day4 182.6#
Day 5 181.8#
Day 6 182.4#
Day 7 181.0# 
Day 8 181.6# 
Day 9  181.8#  
Day 10 -- April 21st -- no weigh in or intake tracking
Day 11  -- April 22nd -- no weigh in or intake tracking
Day 12 -- April 23rd -- no intake tracking
Today 189.8#  

Day 14
Day 15
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Day 38
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Day 40
Day 41
Day 42
Day 43
Day 44 -- May 25th -- no intake tracking 
Day 45
Day 46
Day 47
Day 48

Today's intake

1763 calories
48 grams fiber
170 grams protein
% of calories from fat 22.47

Fruits/veggies : apple, orange, baby carrots and snap peas, banana

Didn't count calories from :
1 serving Re-con (post workout)
1 serving Ignition (post workout) 
1 serving (1/4 cup) santa fe trail mix (pre workout)
1 serving (1/2 cup) veggie chips
1 serving (1/4 cup) cajun trail mix (afternoon snack)
1 bottle Fuze (afternoon snack) 
1 banana (post workout)

For starters, my weight increase is pretty alarming. I ate and ate and ate and ate over the weekend, but burned a ton of calories, too. We'll see what the scale says tomorrow. Can't have another increase.

Group Ride training -- I learned a lot and I loved every bit of it. Not inclined to write about it except for saying I am focused on only 1 goal now :
getting certified by July 2nd.

My cutting cycle will continue, but my class schedule will change. I might make an exception here and there, but, general rule, I will take Group Power once a week, Group Centergy once or twice a week, teach G-cycle on Tuesdays and Thursdays, of course...... and the rest of my gym time is devoted to Group Ride class and practice for certification. I did the right thing by practicing hard for G-cycle the past few months. Not that I'll ever be perfect, but I have the tracks down really well and can zero in on Group Ride practice only.

G-cycle is still my true love. That isn't going to change. My students today gave me their best effort thus far. They were
LOUD .... sure did my heart good.  Today was my birthday present to me -- all my favorite songs (most of them, anyways.... had to cut a few from my initial list to keep the set at 60 minutes)

A very heavy set list, indeed : 
Made of Metal (Halford) 
Speed of Sound (Halford) 
Undisputed (Halford) 
Fire and Ice (Halford) 
Resurrection (Halford)
Cyber World (Halford) 
Screaming in the Dark (Halford) 
Hellion + Electric Eye (Judas Priest) 
Accelerate (R.E.M.) 
Invitation + Eagle Fly Free (Helloween) 
March of Time (Helloween) 
I Want Out (Helloween) 
I Can't Get You Out Of My Mind (Ramones) 
Everwake (Anathema) 

Force me to pick a favorite track and I'd go with Speed of Sound. It was new to the set (as was Made of Metal) ..... and it felt perfect. I could swear that song was written specifically for G-cycle.

Very tough set. My students get better and better. I am proud of their effort and deeply touched by their enthusiasm. I am so richly blessed.......

Thursday, April 19, 2012


Last 2 working tracks from this morning's G-cycle class. My students are amazing. 

8 week cutting phase 

Day 1 weigh in   186.8#             
Day 2  184.4#
Day 3 182.8#
Day4 182.6#
Day 5 181.8#
Day 6 182.4#
Day 7 181.0# 
Today 181.6# 

Day 9  
Day 10 -- April 21st -- no weigh in or intake tracking
Day 11  -- April 22nd -- no weigh in or intake tracking
Day 12 -- April 23rd -- no intake tracking
Day 13 
Day 14
Day 15
Day 16
Day 17
Day 18
Day 19
Day 20
Day 21
Day 22
Day 23
Day 24
Day 25
Day 26
Day 27
Day 28
Day 29
Day 30
Day 31
Day 32
Day 33
Day 34
Day 35
Day 36
Day 37
Day 38
Day 39
Day 40
Day 41
Day 42
Day 43
Day 44 -- May 25th -- no intake tracking 
Day 45
Day 46
Day 47
Day 48

Today's intake

1817 calories
34 grams fiber
204 grams protein
% of calories from fat 17.77

Fruits/veggies : 2 oranges, avocado, banana

Didn't count calories from :
1 serving Re-con (post workout)
1 serving (1/4 cup) soy energy blend (pre workout)
1 serving (1/4 cup) cajun trail mix (afternoon snack)
1 banana (post workout)